Podcast Episode 32: Mike’s Epic Rant and How To Clone Yourself

how to clone yourself in your martial art school

Ever wish you could clone yourself in your dojo? I think everyone does at some point. In this week’s podcast episode, I explain how to develop staff members who can do the things you do just as well, and sometimes even better, so you can have a life outside of the dojo.

Also, I go into an epic rant about people who want to take shortcuts to success (warning, NSFW).

And finally, in the Tip of the Week, I talk about Facebook marketing, and why you don’t need to buy some super-secret ninja course to run an effective Facebook marketing campaign.

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast Episode:

MAbizU.com – Mike’s private martial arts business coaching group.

MartialArtsSalesBook.com – Home of the now infamous, and also incredibly honest and transparent, “Phone to Enrollment Martial Art School Sales System”.

Podcast Excerpt:

I’m about to go on an epic rant here, so if you don’t want to hear some rough language I suggest you fast-forward a few minutes into the podcast.

You’re probably wondering why I haven’t published a podcast episode in well over a month. Here’s why – I’ve been busy starting my own programs in our new town. “Okay,” you’re probably thinking, “that’s just a few hours a week of teaching, tops, right?”

See, that’s the type of thinking that really chaps my _ _ _. No, it’s not just a few hours of teaching a night. It’s hours upon hours of creating, setting up, and launching marketing systems and materials. It’s answering phone calls from prospects all day long. It’s writing emails and autoresponder messages. It’s setting up ad campaigns and landing pages. It’s getting out in the community and meeting with influencers. It’s teaching free self-defense classes for the community. It’s networking. It’s writing lesson plans and choosing music for classes. And on, and on, and on.

It’s a lot of work. But the work pays off. I enrolled a total of 15 students and added 66 people to my email list over the course of a month. About half of those email addresses were people who showed up for a free personal safety seminar I gave, and the other half were leads from my marketing campaigns.
In fact, I actually had to cut back on the marketing this week so I could catch up – and yet I still have new students enrolling this week.

And some of you will marvel at my results. But honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. Or rather, it shouldn’t be a surprise, and not because of who I am, but because of what I did to do it…

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